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auto-upgrade 🔹

Set up automatic upgrades



Whether to periodically upgrade NixOS to the latest version. If enabled, a systemd timer will run nixos-rebuild switch --upgrade once a day.

Usage via Inventory


This module can be used via predefined roles

- `default`

Every role has its own configuration options. Which are each listed below.

For more information, see the inventory guide.


For example the admin module adds the following options globally to all machines where it is used.


This means there are two equivalent ways to set the allowedkeys option. Either via a nixos module or via the inventory interface. But it is recommended to keep together imports and config to preserve locality of the module configuration.

clan-core.lib.buildClan { = { = {
            roles.default.machines = [ "jon" ];
            config.allowedkeys = [ "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABgQD..." ];
clan-core.lib.buildClan {
    machines = {
        jon = {
            clan.admin.allowedkeys = [ "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABgQD..." ];
            imports = [ clanModules.admin ];

Options of default role

The auto-upgrade default doesnt offer / require any options to be set.

Usage via Nix

This module cannot be imported directly in your nixos configuration.