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Select nixos values from the flake

Usage: clan select

Positional arguments

  1. selector: select from a flake
  • --impure:
  • --debug: Enable debug logging
  • --option: <('name', 'value')> Nix option to set
  • --flake: <PATH> path to the flake where the clan resides in, can be a remote flake or local, can be set through the [CLAN_DIR] environment variable

This subcommand provides an interface nix values defined in the flake.


$ clan select nixosConfigurations.*.config.networking.hostName

List hostnames of all nixos configurations as JSON.

$ clan select nixosConfigurations.{jon,alice}.config.clan.core.vars.generators.*.name

List all vars generators for jon and alice.

$ clan select nixosConfigurations.jon.config.envirnonment.systemPackages.1

List the first system package for jon.