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Add Machines

Managing machine configurations can be done in the following ways:

  • writing nix expressions in a flake.nix file,
  • placing autoincluded files into your machine directory,
  • configuring everything in a simple UI (upcoming).

Clan currently offers the following methods to configure machines:

Recommended for nix people

  • flake.nix (i.e. via buildClan)

    • machine argument
    • inventory argument
  • machines/machine_name/configuration.nix (autoincluded if it exists)

See the complete list of auto-loaded files.

Used by CLI & UI
  • inventory.json

Global configuration

In the flake.nix file:

  • set a unique name.
buildClan {
    # Set a unique name = "Lobsters";
    # Should usually point to the directory of flake.nix
    directory = ./.;

See Clan with flake-parts for help migrating to flake-parts.

clan = {
    # Set a unique name = "Lobsters";

Machine configuration

Adding or configuring a new machine requires two simple steps:

Step 1. Identify Target Disk-ID

  1. Find the remote disk id by executing:

    setup computer
    ssh root@<IP> lsblk --output NAME,ID-LINK,FSTYPE,SIZE,MOUNTPOINT


    Replace <IP> with the IP address of the machine if you don't have the avahi service running which resolves mDNS local domains.

    Which should show something like:

    NAME        ID-LINK                                         FSTYPE   SIZE MOUNTPOINT
    sda         usb-ST_16GB_AA6271026J1000000509-0:0                    14.9G
    ├─sda1      usb-ST_16GB_AA6271026J1000000509-0:0-part1                 1M
    ├─sda2      usb-ST_16GB_AA6271026J1000000509-0:0-part2      vfat     100M /boot
    └─sda3      usb-ST_16GB_AA6271026J1000000509-0:0-part3      ext4     2.9G /
    nvme0n1     nvme-eui.e8238fa6bf530001001b448b4aec2929              476.9G
    ├─nvme0n1p1 nvme-eui.e8238fa6bf530001001b448b4aec2929-part1 vfat     512M
    ├─nvme0n1p2 nvme-eui.e8238fa6bf530001001b448b4aec2929-part2 ext4   459.6G
    └─nvme0n1p3 nvme-eui.e8238fa6bf530001001b448b4aec2929-part3 swap    16.8G
  2. Edit the following fields inside the ./machines/jon/configuration.nix and/or ./machines/sara/configuration.nix

   imports = [
     # contains your disk format and partitioning configuration.
     # this file is shared among all machines
     # enables GNOME desktop (optional)

   # Put your username here for login
   users.users.user.username = "__YOUR_USERNAME__";

   # Set this for clan commands use ssh i.e. `clan machines update`
   # If you change the hostname, you need to update this line to root@<new-hostname>
   # This only works however if you have avahi running on your admin machine else use IP
   clan.core.networking.targetHost = "root@__IP__";

   # You can get your disk id by running the following command on the installer:
   # Replace <IP> with the IP of the installer printed on the screen or by running the `ip addr` command.
   # ssh root@<IP> lsblk --output NAME,ID-LINK,FSTYPE,SIZE,MOUNTPOINT
   disko.devices.disk.main.device = "/dev/disk/by-id/__CHANGE_ME__";

   # IMPORTANT! Add your SSH key here
   # e.g. > cat ~/.ssh/
   users.users.root.openssh.authorizedKeys.keys = [ "__YOUR_SSH_KEY__" ];

   # ...

You can also create additional machines using the clan machines create command:

$ clan machines create --help
usage: clan [-h] [SUBCOMMAND] machines create [-h] [--tags TAGS [TAGS ...]] [--template-name TEMPLATE_NAME]
                                              [--target-host TARGET_HOST] [--debug] [--option name value] [--flake PATH]

positional arguments:
  machine_name          The name of the machine to create

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --tags TAGS [TAGS ...]
                        Tags to associate with the machine. Can be used to assign multiple machines to services.
  --template-name TEMPLATE_NAME
                        The name of the template machine to import
  --target-host TARGET_HOST
                        Address of the machine to install and update, in the format of user@host:1234
  --debug               Enable debug logging
  --option name value   Nix option to set
  --flake PATH          path to the flake where the clan resides in, can be a remote flake or local, can be set through
                        the [CLAN_DIR] environment variable

Replace __YOUR_USERNAME__ with the ip of your machine, if you use avahi you can also use your hostname

Replace __IP__ with the ip of your machine, if you use avahi you can also use your hostname

Replace __CHANGE_ME__ with the appropriate identifier, such as nvme-eui.e8238fa6bf530001001b448b4aec2929

Replace __YOUR_SSH_KEY__ with your personal key, like ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAILoMI0NC5eT9pHlQExrvR5ASV3iW9+BXwhfchq0smXUJ jon@jon-desktop

These steps will allow you to update your machine later.

Step 2: Detect Drivers

Generate the hardware-configuration.nix file for your machine by executing the following command:

clan machines update-hardware-config [MACHINE_NAME] [HOSTNAME]

replace [MACHINE_NAME] with the name of the machine i.e. jon and [HOSTNAME] with the ip_address or hostname of the machine within the network. i.e. <IP>


clan machines update-hardware-config jon

This command connects to the ip configured in the previous step, runs nixos-facter to detect hardware configurations (excluding filesystems), and writes them to machines/jon/facter.json.

Step 3: Custom Disk Formatting

In ./modules/disko.nix, a simple ext4 disk partitioning scheme is defined for the Disko module. For more complex disk partitioning setups, refer to the Disko templates or Disko examples.

Step 4: Custom Configuration

Modify ./machines/jon/configuration.nix to personalize the system settings according to your requirements. If you wish to name your machine to something else, do the following steps:

mv ./machines/jon/configuration.nix ./machines/newname/configuration.nix

Than rename jon to your preferred name in machines in flake.nix as well as the import line:

- imports = [ ./machines/jon/configuration.nix ];
+ imports = [ ./machines/__NEW_NAME__/configuration.nix ];

Replace __NEW_NAME__ with the name of the machine

Note that our clan lives inside a git repository. Only files that have been added with git add are recognized by nix. So for every file that you add or rename you also need to run:

git add ./path/to/my/file

For renaming jon to your own machine name, you can use the following command:

git mv ./machines/jon ./machines/newname

If you only want to setup a single machine at this point, you can delete sara from flake.nix as well as from the machines directory:

git rm -r ./machines/sara